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PuroSPIN™ Stool DNA Purification Kit  #NK064-50, #NK064-200

PuroSPIN™ Stool DNA Purification Kit #NK064-50, #NK064-200

The PuroSPIN™ Stool DNA Purification Kit is designed to purify high molecular weight genomic DNA from fresh, frozen or dried stool samples. The kit greatly simplifies the purification process by incorporating a convenient and easy-to-use extraction technology based on nucleic acid binding to silica spin-columns which eliminates the use of toxic phenol-chloroform extraction or time consuming alcohol precipitation.




  • Easily purify genomic DNA from stool samples using silica spin columns
  • Simple extraction process with no need for phenol or chloroform
  • Lysate filtration step to remove any precipitated SDS-protein complexes, salts and other contaminants for higher yield and purity of genomic DNA products
  • High-quality extracted genomic DNA can be used for a range of downstream applications such as genomic sequencing, PCR, real-time qPCR, or Southern blotting


SKU List: #NK064-5, #NK064-50, #NK064-200

  • Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)



  • Product Specifications

    Kit Type: Stool DNA Extraction/Purification
    Kit Format: Silica Spin Columns
    Kit Scale: MINI
    Starting Material: Stool 
    Processing Time:  < 30 minutes
    Yield up to 50 ug
    Elution Volume:  50 - 100 μL
    Ratio A260/A280: 1.7 - 1.9
    Ratio A260/A230: 2.0 - 2.4
    Downstream Applications: Ligation, microarray analyses, qPCR, RT-qPCR, sequencing, Southern blotting, transfection, transformation, etc.



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