Proteinase K, Recombinant, 20mg/mL solution
Recombinant Proteinase K is a nonspecific serine protease enzyme. It is active in the presence of SDS or urea over a wide range of pH, temperatures, and salt concentrations. The product is supplied as a lyophilized powder to maximize shelf life.
- Proteinase K solution, Recombinant
- Biotech Grade
- Hydrolysis of a wide range of peptide bonds
- High activity
- Rapid inactivation of nucleases
- Active over a wide range of temperatures (20°C to 70°C, pH (7.5 to 12) and salt concentrations
- No detectable DNase or RNase contamination
- Supplied as solution for ease of use
- Supplied as 20mg/mL in either 3mL or 48mL bottles
· Digestions of proteins in DNA and RNA purification protocols
· Nuclease inactivation
SKUGPK-020, GPK-020-B
Bazzicalupo, Anna, et al. "Evolution of cross-tolerance to metals in yeast." bioRxiv (2025): 2025-02.