96 Well ELISA Plate, 8-Well, Detachable, High Binding, Clear, 50/cs
NEST ELISA polystyrene plates are specifically designed to act as effetive support for enzyme-linked immuno-absorbent assay (ELISA). ELISA plates from NEST undergo unique surface treatment process for strong adsorption of antigens, antibodies and antigen-antibody complexes.
- The plates are made of polystyrene
- Designedfor ELISA applications.
- Uniform material thickness and size.
- High batch-to-batch stability and low coefficient of variation (CV) value.
- Both detachable and non-detachable flat-bottom plates are available.
- The letters and numbers on the frame of the plates are convenient for detection and identification in experiments.
- High transparency clear plate bottom.
- White plates are best suited for luminescence measurements as they reflect the signal instead of absorbing it and hence enhance the luminescence signals.
- Raw materials have good light-blocking properties, which greatly reduces well-to-well signal interference.
- Packaging: 5/pk, 50/cs
SKU: 504201
Product Data Sheet